Choosing to Shoot a Job

It’s the end of 2023. I dont care who wants me to work, I’m happy to take their money and give them value as well as photos they deserve. I’ve taken on clients who were less able to pay and still delivered fantastic photos for them. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to have amazing wedding photos and I’m happy to offer that value. I’m not the Walmart of wedding photographers and need to charge what i’m worth, however there are some market pressures that force me to accept what they can pay.

I’m also not bothered by same sex couples. Weddings, engagements, whatever they’d like me to shoot. The amount of work that goes into a job is the same regardless of who I’m shooting. Some photographers turn down clients and send them to me because they are hung up on a same sex couple. I personally believe they have the right to be happy and the right to excellent photographs.

Mike Waller

Retired Army Veteran, chef and photographer

To pay or NOT to pay