
Geotagging photos is a contentious subject. There are photographers like me who dont mind sharing locations, settings, etc. I’ll tell you everything about how I made the shot, where I took it, etc. I think it's great for the community and dont mind if someone else goes to a location and takes a photo. That doesn’t diminish the value of the photo that I took. -Other photographers dont want to publish a location because they feel that for some reason they have dominion over a specific place that they took a photo and dont want other photographers to over-run the location.

Theres spots where Ansel Adams took photos. Going to a location and trying to recreate one of Adams’ images is an homage to him and how that art moved me. I think if he was here today, he wouldn’t mind that I went there and tried to take the same image. If anyone wants to know where I took a photo, even what equipment I used and what my settings were, I’m happy to share. Feel free to ask me

Mike Waller

Retired Army Veteran, chef and photographer

To pay or NOT to pay

